
Health Sector Improvement Grant

  • Local Partners

    Yemen without Conflict Organization

  • Location

    Taiz,- al-Mudhaffar,

  • Beneficiaries



Health Sector Improvement Grant

Dialogues and meetings were held between public and private hospitals to raise needs and to meet with the local authority to play its role in supporting the health sector. Also, the laboratory staff at the Republican Hospital capacities were built, and it was provided with three diagnostic devices for diabetes and high blood pressure and laboratory solutions. An electronic system linking the laboratory with the hospital was provided. The hospital was provided with 6 computers with the server and it was connected to the hospital’s public network.

  • Project Idea

    Due to the weakness of the health sector and the lack of follow-up of the necessary procedures to treat emergency cases free of charge, and in addition to the fact that the Republican Hospital lacks appropriate diagnostic equipment and the use of a primitive manual system in diagnosing patients and recording data, and a shortage in the capabilities of the laboratory staff, the initiative of the Health Sector Department was initiated.

  • Goal

    Improving the role of the local authority in providing health services to the community to alleviate their suffering in the health aspect.

  • Impact

    The accuracy of laboratory tests, the speed of completion of administrative procedures in the hospital, and a health record of patients to be referred to at any time were mainly worked on.