
Traffic Administration Grant

  • Local Partners

    Feena-Khair Foundation

  • Location

    Al Mahrah,- Al-Ghayda,

  • Beneficiaries



Traffic Administration Grant

A meeting was held to discuss the challenges and difficulties facing the Traffic Department, and another meeting was held with decision-makers in the local authority, executive offices and the private sector to discuss frameworks for supporting the traffic department. Priorities were identified from the traffic signs and we installed 92 traffic signs in al-Ghayda city and Al-Ghaydah-Shehn Road. In addition, awareness activities about commitment to traffic safety procedures and introducing signs were carried out accordingly.

  • Project Idea

    Given the recent congestion in Al-Mahra Governorate, due to the continuous increase in the number of IDPs, the absence of traffic signs in Al-Ghaydah city and the un-named streets, the need was seen to install the necessary traffic signs in the city and in the international road of Shehn land-port to reduce accidents and help the relevant local authority to address some of the challenges that Confront it and destabilize the stability process in the region.

  • Goal

    Supporting the local authority – the traffic department in particular - in al-Ghaydah city to provide better services to the local community to enhance stability.

  • Impact

    Reducing traffic accidents, regulating traffic, alleviating traffic congestion, and spreading the culture of commitment to traffic procedures by citizens, truck drivers and vehicles.