
Apprenticeship Grant (Good Deed Grant)

  • Local Partners

    Qalam Foundation for Creativity

  • Location

    Hadramawt,- Al-Mukalla,

  • Beneficiaries



Apprenticeship Grant (Good Deed Grant)

60 young men and women were targeted according to specific criteria for vocational training. Three introductory workshops were implemented for a period of four days to determine the course of the desired specialization/profession. Youth were trained cooperatively in eight handicraft professions such as electrical installation, air conditioning, refrigeration, mobile phone maintenance, hairdressing and henna, computer maintenance, incense and perfume manufacture, photography, montage and solar energy installation in cooperation with workshops, private companies and shops in an applied manner for 54 days. Thus, they were provided with the necessary professional bags.

  • Project Idea

    Given the unemployment that the local community suffers from, especially in light of the instability that has led to the spread of crime and drug abuse among young people and the spread of chaos, the topic of training and rehabilitating young people has been identified as a top priority by the local authorities, so that they can support their families, maintain security and peace, and reduce crime rates and drug abuse among young people.

  • Goal

    Empowering young people with skills, knowledge and professions that enable them to enter the labor market to enhance stability

  • Impact

    Increasing employment opportunities for youth participating in the project, reducing unemployment and poverty among youth, and reducing the spread of crime and drug abuse.